We understand that instilling compassion in our children is something we do over the long haul, through a lifetime modeling selfless love in front of them. But it is important to make time for intentional conversations: sometimes in the car, on walks to the local convenience store for a soda, around the dinner table, or in the living room just before bedtime.
This resource will guide those intentional conversations. You can designate an upcoming week as Compassion Week and proclaim that for 5 nights in a row, you get 45 minutes of their evening. (Oh yes, they are going to groan and whine.) Or, you can be a little more impromptu and use these as they fit into your family time.
If you’re a homeschool parent, these activities will fit nicely into your curriculum.
You and your kids are going to have fun learning together and then sharing God’s Crazy Good Love. Jesus thoroughly enjoyed feeding the 5,000 and healing broken people. We should, too.
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