When we hear about a tiny, 5-year-old girl named Arundhati who follows her mother into the agricultural fields every day to spend 12 hours using her small and nimble fingers to harvest peanuts under the scorching Indian sun, we want to help. Our compassion grows and we want to do something, anything, so that children like Arundhati go to school, not the peanut fields.
When we learn that after four desperate years of this bleak existence, community health workers met Arundhati and her mom, promptly offering her a place in the nearby DFN school, we jump at the chance to secure this extraordinary future for her and others like her. We know education will change the future for this young girl and her family.
We want to give more. We want to give all we have. We want to make sure no child is sent to work the fields, to make sure every child learns to read and write. But we look at our financial position, our monthly giving, our annual charitable intentions wondering, “What more can I do?”
We at DFN want to help you answer that question. We know you want to protect women and children from exploitation and to empower them through whole care for the whole community. We have resources that enable you to increase your impact on children and families that make sense for you and your family.
Here are three tax-wise options that allow you to give in a substantial way, without affecting your monthly cash flow:
1. Gifts of Stock. If you have appreciated stock or other securities you’ve owned for at least a year, you can receive a double benefit by donating it to DFN. Not only will you receive a charitable tax deduction for the fair market value, but you’ll also avoid paying capital gains tax.
2. Gifts of Real Estate. Many people are able to give more than they ever thought possible by giving a vacation home, rental property, farmland or other real estate to DFN. It’s a smart way to redirect property you no longer need or care to manage for the benefit of vulnerable women and children across India.
3. Gifts from Your IRA. If you are 70 ½ or older, you can make a substantial gift to DFN directly from your IRA. Not only will this gift meet your required minimum distributions, but it also reduces your taxable income.
Ready to learn more? We’d love to help you identify smart and powerful giving solutions that fit your desire to impact children like Arundhati and your financial situation. Call DFN today at 757-233-9110 or email [email protected].
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