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Supporting JDM Village:
Nestled within a sprawling urban metropolis, JDM serves as a hub of opportunity and hope for the surrounding impoverished community.
Initiatives in JDM include a nationally accredited, English-medium school and medical facilities providing healthcare and dental services for the poor. DFN also runs a paramedical college and a tailoring center, employing over 50 women in a safe working environment and with fair wages.
A shelter for trafficked and abused girls is also part of the JDM outreach, promising more than 100 girls a chance to rebuild their lives.
Plans for the future include a full hospital, college opportunities, and expanded skills training programs, promising a bright future for the children and families of JDM.

How your Promise changes a whole community:

Orphaned at a young age when his parents died of tuberculosis, Ganesh found safety in a loving foster home that provided food, shelter, and a chance to attend school. He enrolled in the JDM village school in 6th grade, and although he was academically far behind his classmates, he quickly caught up.
After graduation, Ganesh felt God calling him to serve children with learning disabilities and those with emotional trauma. He knew that the JDM village school changed his life and healed the wounds of losing his parents.
After he earned his bachelor’s degree in special education, Ganesh returned to DFN’s school in JDM where now he oversees one of the only programs in the city that serves children with special needs.
One promise to Ganesh when he was 12 years old – a beacon of hope to dozens today.
+++Our stories are real. We change names and identifying details to protect the dignity of those we serve.

Orphaned at a young age when his parents died of tuberculosis, Ganesh found safety in a loving foster home that provided food, shelter, and a chance to attend school. He enrolled in the JDM village school in 6th grade, and although he was academically far behind his classmates, he quickly caught up.
After graduation, Ganesh felt God calling him to serve children with learning disabilities and those with emotional trauma. He knew that the JDM village school changed his life and healed the wounds of losing his parents.
After he earned his bachelor’s degree in special education, Ganesh returned to DFN’s school in JDM where now he oversees one of the only programs in the city that serves children with special needs.
One promise to Ganesh when he was 12 years old – a beacon of hope to dozens today.
+++Our stories are real. We change names and identifying details to protect the dignity of those we serve.
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