Make a Promise.

KLK sits at the foothills of the Himalayas and less than three hours from Pakistan. The plight of the poor is apparent on every block. They lack dignity and opportunity, working in brick factories, sweeping streets, and cleaning sewage drains. 

But there is a DFN school in KLK that is changing the lives of vulnerable children and their families. Every child is treated with the God-given dignity they deserve. Every graduate pursues higher education. They are accountants, police officers, teachers, psychiatrists, and engineers. 

Future plans for Kalka include expanding healthcare and skills training opportunities for women.

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How your promise changes a whole community:

Neera comes from the poorest class of people in India and the world. Society often thrusts labels upon them like outcast, worthless, dirty.

But her father refused to let his past determine his daughter’s future. He found a school in his village that would educate Neera and her three sisters with dignity and respect, a decision that would ultimately lead to 10 more cousins attending the same school. 

Neera enrolled at the school in KLK when she was 8 years old. She was an eager learner from the very beginning. She is your classic high achiever. DFN Programs in the KLK village provided her with a place to thrive. 

Neera is now a lawyer working for the High Court in India.  where she fights for swift justice for abused and exploited women. Because of one promise to Neera, many will be free.