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Supporting KOL Village:

Tucked within the shadows of a thriving city, the KOL slum village tells a story of struggle and resilience. Men face chronic unemployment, leaving families hungry and trapped. For girls, the risk of trafficking and child marriage is a daily threat.

But amidst the overcrowded shacks and narrow alleys, the work of DFN shines. Preschool offers young children a glimmer of hope. A clinic provides accessible and compassionate healthcare, and after-school programs nurture and protect children of all ages.

Future plans in KOL include opening a primary school that will promise brighter futures for the next generation and break the cycle of poverty for families and the entire village.

How your Promise changes a whole community:

Jasmit and Daya live in the KOL slum in the northeast corner of India.

Jasmit is 16. She’s having twins. Daya is 18. She is also having twins. Both of their husbands have abandoned them. Ordinarily, Jasmit and Daya would find themselves begging on the streets or selling their bodies in order to feed their children.

But these moms do not live in an ordinary village. They are part of the DFN community outreach in KOL, where health workers perform regular wellness checks on moms and babies. In addition to meeting their practical needs of food and shelter, these young moms also receive emotional and spiritual support.

One promise two moms — four children. That’s compassion in action.

+++Our stories are real. We change names and identifying details to protect the dignity of those we serve.

Choose your Monthly Impact:

Jasmit and Daya live in the KOL slum in the northeast corner of India.

Jasmit is 16. She’s having twins. Daya is 18. She is also having twins. Both of their husbands have abandoned them. Ordinarily, Jasmit and Daya would find themselves begging on the streets or selling their bodies in order to feed their children.

But these moms do not live in an ordinary village. They are part of the DFN community outreach in KOL, where health workers perform regular wellness checks on moms and babies. In addition to meeting their practical needs of food and shelter, these young moms also receive emotional and spiritual support.

One promise — two moms — four children. That’s compassion in action.

+++Our stories are real. We change names and identifying details to protect the dignity of those we serve.