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Supporting RKS Village:
In one of the most impoverished villages in southern India, families scrape by as day laborers, earning barely enough for food and shelter.
The exploitation of girls and child marriage are alarmingly prevalent. Boys often leave school by the age of 12, joining their fathers and grandfathers as shepherds in the fields.
But hope abounds in RKS through a thriving faith-based, top-notch school and a clinic serving the entire village, including HIV+ women, who are survivors of abuse and trafficking. DFN’s solar-powered farm provides fair wages and the ingredients for manna mix, a protein food supplement distributed throughout India.
Future plans include opening a shelter for at-risk girls and launching new skills training programs for women.

How your Promise changes a whole community:

From a young age, Deepiga dreamed of becoming a doctor. But she grew up in a tumultuous home in rural RKS where girls didn’t dream beyond the one dusty in street their town.
Deepiga defied all the odds stacked against her with support from like you. She completed medical school, passed her board exams, and now provides compassionate healthcare in a vulnerable community like RKS.
Girls like Deepiga don’t realize they can become doctors. They don’t even believe they can finish high school. But when determined people make a promise to determined girls, dreams come true.
One promise to Deepiga. Health and healing for thousands.
+++Our stories are real. We change names and identifying details to protect the dignity of those we serve.

How your Promise changes a whole community:

From a young age, Deepiga dreamed of becoming a doctor. But she grew up in a tumultuous home in rural RKS where girls didn’t dream beyond the one dusty in street their town.
Deepiga defied all the odds stacked against her with support from like you. She completed medical school, passed her board exams, and now provides compassionate healthcare in a vulnerable community like RKS.
Girls like Deepiga don’t realize they can become doctors. They don’t even believe they can finish high school. But when determined people make a promise to determined girls, dreams come true.
One promise to Deepiga. Health and healing for thousands.
+++Our stories are real. We change names and identifying details to protect the dignity of those we serve.
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