There is a little boy named Sanju in India who desperately wants to go to school. There is a family in India who hopes their son will overcome the generational cycle of poverty and hardship. They are shepherds, and the world sees no honor in that.
At birth, shepherd boys are marked with gold earrings in each ear, signifying to the world that they are fit only for the dirty job of tending the herd.
This occupation has been passed down through their families for centuries. It’s a lonely, dangerous, and dead-end life.
At just 12 years old, Sanju spends his days herding sheep to support his family, often under harsh and unsafe conditions. He is responsible for herding goats along busy roads to safe pastures. He sleeps with them at night when temperatures drop and wild animals come out to hunt. This is not how 12-year-olds should grow up.
Every night, Sanju dreams about attending school and rising above the chains of poverty and harsh labor. He sees other children neatly dressed in sharp uniforms head off to school and longs to be one of them. He hears that they learn to write their names and speak English. He sees them laughing on their way home, backpacks and soccer balls in tow. He will never be one of them.
But God thought a shepherd boy named David was worthy of slaying giants and lions.
And, God thought shepherds watching their flocks by night deserved to be the first ones to know about the birth of Jesus.
So doesn’t that mean Sanju deserves a chance to hear the good news–that Jesus came so even a lowly shepherd boy could have life and have it abundantly?
Education is the answer to Sanju’s dreams. And it’s not too late. Sure, he should have already learned how to write his name and do basic math, but he’s smart. He’s eager. He wants more than a shepherd’s life.
When families like Sanju reach out to DFN field workers for help, we are delighted! Because of generous people like you, Sanju can attend school and his entire family receives wrap-around support.
At school, Sanju’s teachers provide extra tutoring. He opens brand new textbooks and dresses in a crisp new navy blue uniform. He learns how to conduct chemistry experiments and joins the boys on the cricket field during recess. His heart beams with joy.
Familial support is a key component in breaking the chains of cyclical poverty. Sanju’s family receives healthcare, shelter, food, and support as they transition away from depending on their son for daily sustenance. Day by day, month by month, a new future unfolds for Sanju, one that is full of hope and opportunity, rooted in his God-given identity and freedom.
Ultimately, boys like Sanju long for a chance to be more than what society tells them to be. They just need a chance to prove it. YOU are the answer to their prayers.
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