When Light Pierces Darkness: Merry Christmas, Lalitha!
Twelve-year-old Lalitha never had the chance to go to school because of her family’s poverty. She followed her mother to the agricultural fields every [...]
Cold Mornings & Hot Coffee
In Idaho where I live, dawn comes late this time of year. And mornings are cold! I really don’t mind it though. I [...]
Meet Annamma: A Brave Survivor on a Lifelong Battle to Protect Other Victims
In the dim light of a misty and warm autumn morning, Annamma woke to frantic knocking at her door. Wishing there was someone [...]
Peace Where There Should be Violence: How One School Is Changing an Entire Community
Sitting in the foothills of the Himalayas is a unique town in India. It’s one in which Hindus, Christians, and Muslims share [...]
How to Change a Life Forever — Guaranteed!
If there is a common aspiration for compassionate people, for non-profit organizations, and for governments, it might be this: To make life better. [...]
Meet The Teacher Night
It’s that time of year again. School is starting soon, and the long days of summer are nearly over. Exhausted parents (and grandparents!) who [...]
Manipur in Crisis: The Untold Story
Eighty days of internet and telephone blackout. Eighty days. I can’t even imagine 80 minutes of internet and telephone blackout. But it was eighty [...]
Planning for the Future: 3 Ways to Weave Giving into Your Will
“How much should I leave to Dignity Freedom Network and the other non-profits close to my heart?” It’s a practical [...]
How Free Are We Really? A Look at the State of Freedom Around the World
What comes to mind when you think of the word “Freedom”? We asked some friends what they thought. Here’s what they said: Peace Limitless [...]
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