Zoey is an energetic six-year-old. Carefree, curious, innocent. She’s my granddaughter, my only grandchild, so of course, I think she’s quite special, adorable, and smart. Zoey keeps her parents on their toes…dancing and singing around the house, running full speed around the yard, and pedaling her bike as fast as she can.
I’m grateful for the healthy community she lives in. She excels in learning at school. She doesn’t spend a moment worrying about her next meal or where she will sleep when she’s worn out from all the day’s activities. She enjoys going to school, attending church, and playing with her friends. Her future is bright and full of promise.
Half a world away, there is a little girl the same age as Zoey. She, too, is fun-loving, curious, innocent, and eager to learn. She enjoys spending time with her family, singing, dancing, and playing with her friends. Her future, however, is uncertain. Born into severe poverty, her parents find that feeding their little family and providing clothing, shelter, and healthcare to be nearly impossible challenges.
In India, too often the unthinkable happens. Young daughters are forced into trafficking, early childhood marriage, and child labor.
That’s a fact I couldn’t ignore…I couldn’t look away. By giving monthly support to these precious, vulnerable children, they can receive a top-notch education, breaking the chains of generational poverty and injustice.
Good Shepherd Schools in India provide a healthy, encouraging community in which marginalized children can embrace their God-given dignity and worth. With support and prayers, their futures are bright and promising…just like Zoey’s.
That’s why I give…to make a difference in the world, one little child at a time. Would you join me? Together we can change the trajectory of children desperately in need of hope, of promise, of opportunity.
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