Am I Doing Enough: The Unthinkable Realities of Child Labor
Meet Harini, Aditi, and Saachi. They live in the capital [...]
2021-04-14T19:08:52+00:00By DFN USA|Categories: Child Sponsorship, Community Care, Child Labor|Tags: modern slavery, Economic Empowerment of Women, economic empowerment, prevention through education, children, DFN, child labor, human trafficking|
Meet Harini, Aditi, and Saachi. They live in the capital [...]
2021-02-04T18:09:18+00:00By DFN USA|Categories: Community Care, Economic Empowerment|Tags: pratigya, donate, staff, shelter, rescue, sponsor, building, recovery, prevention, healthcare, economic development|
This is Kala. She was born to Dalit parents who are manual [...]
2021-09-14T20:16:59+00:00By DFN USA|Categories: Child Labor, Community Care, Economic Empowerment|Tags: sisterhood, medical treatment, training, dalit, sisters, community, support, donate, shelter, rescue, sponsor, prevention, woman, women, education, India|
Born into a family of all sisters, Nira’s parents dedicated her at [...]
2021-02-04T18:10:33+00:00By DFN USA|Categories: Education, Fresh Start, Child Sponsorship, Healthcare, Economic Empowerment, International Women's Day|Tags: dalit, mothers day, purpose, dignity, story, mother, freedom, DFN, sponsorship|
Journeys that Define Us There’s a steamer trunk in my living room. [...]
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