Virtual Education Innovation in India
Sitting on the dirt floor of her simple home, Sunita organizes the [...]
2020-08-05T23:00:53+00:00By DFN USA|Categories: Education|Tags: education, DFN, get schooled, school, back-to-school|
2021-02-04T15:56:33+00:00By DFN USA|Categories: Education, Community Care, Free 2000|Tags: dalit, Economic Empowerment of Women, child sponsorship, #education, India, economic development, DFN|
My parents taught me to listen. “Everyone has a story,” they [...]
2021-02-04T18:00:09+00:00By DFN USA|Categories: Education, Free 2000, Child Sponsorship|
So many who have met Rashit have only seen him for [...]
2021-02-04T18:03:28+00:00By DFN USA|Categories: Economic Empowerment, Child Sponsorship, Education|
I met a bright, curious teenager earlier this year. Reshma was the [...]
2021-02-04T18:04:29+00:00By DFN USA|Categories: Economic Empowerment, Child Sponsorship, Education, Community Care, Child Labor, Day of the Girl|Tags: human trafficking, women's economic empowerment, free a child, #education, DFN|
I love historical fiction, especially when it portrays the triumph of the [...]
2019-09-23T17:35:26+00:00By DFN USA|Categories: Education, Uncategorized, Child Sponsorship|Tags: prevention through education, #education, children, DFN, sponsor a child|
My favourite back-to-school activity was always the summer recap essay. Year after [...]
2019-08-29T19:03:08+00:00By DFN USA|Categories: Child Sponsorship, Education|
I spent nine years teaching public school. First as a middle school [...]
2021-02-04T18:06:54+00:00By DFN USA|Categories: Education, Community Care, Child Sponsorship|Tags: child sponsorship, #education, DFN|
Welcome to Mr. Arya's School. His school sits in the middle of [...]
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