Anusha: More than a Graduation
It’s the season of caps and gowns, Pomp and Circumstance, and celebrating the bright futures of graduates everywhere. Here at DFN, we’re celebrating our [...]
Trafficked Women Are Likely to Return to Trafficking: Fighting Against the Statistics
Written By Andrea Plata, DFN USA Intern and Point Loma Nazarene University 2023 Graduate The Reality Behind the Trafficking of Women The trauma [...]
Layla: From Ruin to Resilient
This is a hard story and could be a trigger for those who have suffered violence. We share these hard stories because it’s important [...]
Hope in a Crowded World
Sixteen-year-old Beulah wears a bright, hopeful smile on her face. Her eyes sparkle when she thinks of her future as a psychologist helping people [...]
Bandaids and Bloodwork
At just 8 years old, she quit school. Born into poverty, earning a few extra rupees a week for her family was more important [...]
A Quenchable Thirst
You’ve just tucked your four-year-old in bed when you hear it. Those familiar words: “I’m thirsty.” Maybe you roll your eyes because it’s the [...]
This Is Your 2022 Compassion In Action
You, by putting your passion into tangible action, are changing tragic pasts into bright futures. This is your 2022 Compassion in Action. 2022 [...]
The Extraordinary Things We Hide
The Extraordinary Things We Hide On a recent trip to India, I was reminded about [...]
The Little Engine That Did: The Power of Positive People Like You
Remember The Little Engine That Could? It’s the story about a little blue train that comes in to save the day for children on [...]
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