3 Big Gifts That Won’t Break the Bank
When we hear about a tiny, 5-year-old girl named Arundhati who follows her mother into the agricultural fields every day to spend 12 hours [...]
The Gift of a Lifetime: Legacy Giving to Dignity Freedom Network
“I wish I could do more!” It’s one of the most common sentiments we hear from people like you who are passionate about protecting families [...]
Changing the World One Little Girl’s Life at a Time
Zoey is an energetic six-year-old. Carefree, curious, innocent. She’s my granddaughter, my only grandchild, so of course, I think she’s quite special, adorable, and [...]
Gabina’s Family Rises
Aamir jumped up and down in the mud puddles surrounding his family home, splishing and splashing with abandon. At age four, he is energetic [...]
Rising to the Highest Heights: How Early Children Education Will Change Ruby’s Life Forever
We’ve all heard the statistics. We’ve seen the political campaigns designed around this issue. Perhaps we’ve even written letters to our local city councils or [...]
The Power of A Sewing Machine
These women have just completed a six-month tailoring course. For each of them, it's the first time they have ever received any kind [...]
Healthcare for This Little Boy Who Doctors Didn’t Want To Help
Banu* is a beautiful 4-year-old boy. He has Down's Syndrome, is visually impaired and lives in a shelter** for abandoned [...]
Education Changes Everything: Maneesha’s Story
Children have a gift for conquering unfavorable circumstances. Maneesha did just that! Her mother got married at a young age. Her father left when her [...]
2021 Impact Report: The Year You Showed Up
These have been the most challenging years in our lifetime. And yet, you continued to compassionately and generously respond to the needs of children, [...]
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